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Spaghetti with fresh tomatoes and basil
ricetta vegana



Spaghetti 180 grams
Tomatoes 200 grams

6 fresh basil leaves
Extra virgin olive oil
White onion


Bring to boil water for cooking pasta. If you are using plum tomatoes (or large) dip it into the boiling water for 15 seconds, drain with a slotted spoon and proceed to remove the skin (it's very easy if you use this method).

Cut the tomatoes into pieces after they have been cleaned of seeds. I cut the plum tomatoes into strips, the pizzutello one in two lengthwise.

Throw the spaghetti in the water after it has been salted.

Finely chop the onion (I will use a quarter of a medium size), put it in a large pan, add half a glass of water and turn on medium heat. This makes, in my opinion, much more digestible than the onion to prevent burns in the next phase of "soffrittura". When the water is dry put in two or three laps of oil on the onion and let it cook gently for a couple of minutes. Then add the tomatoes, add salt, pepper and a pinch of sugar. The cooking of tomatoes should not exceed 6 or 7 minutes. Halfway through cooking add the basil leaves. Towards the end of cooking if the sauce is too dry add a few tablespoons of cooking water for spaghetti.

Drain the spaghetti and add them directly into the pan where the tomatoes are cooking and put the heat to low. Mix thoroughly by absorbing the liquid part of the sauce.

Serve the spaghetti and add a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil raw.

The tradition wants to add some grated Parmigiano cheese over the spaghetti, but I prefere it without the cheese to feel completely the flavor of fresh tomatoes and basil.

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